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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Truly Live

What does it mean to truly live? Does it mean living day to day or stopping to breathe in the glories of the world around us? There is so much that we look over and pass by without truly seeing. 

He loves us....

What an incredible night. Getting settled back into the school routine and remembering why I'm here. To glorify God and worship Him! A degree and a future job is a wonderful goal but what does it mean without Christ as the center? We were created to worship Him and make Him known to the world. We were created to love and to be loved by Him.

How many lies is the world feeding us today? The world tells us what beauty is, what courage is, what success is, what peace, and hope, and hatred and love are. In a society almost solely focused on image, it can be nearly impossible to hold on to the promises of God and find worth and peace only in Jesus Himself.