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Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Once upon a time there was a girl who thought she could decide how her life should unfold. She figured that as long as her plans were God-honoring ideas, they must be in God's plan. Then, when everything looked confusing and uncertain, she tried even harder to come up with a "perfect plan". One problem. People can't make perfect plans.... Oh and yes, this girl is me. {and probably many other people too}

Sometimes when I look at my life I wonder why I ever thought it was a good idea to stress about the future. Sure, it is good to stay proactive, find jobs, and live actively but this can also quickly turn into a battle for control. Trust me, if you are fighting a battle for control with the Lord of the universe and Creator of all, it may not be too far fetched to learn you won't win this one. I have been noticing that every time I come to the realization that I cannot (and should not) plan out and predict my whole life, God does something. It is as if He is waiting for me to understand that I need Him desperately before showing me a glimpse of what He has ahead.

I love the story of Joseph in the Bible. He had all these ideas and dreams for his life and then he found himself at the bottom of a cistern and sold into slavery by his brothers. {talk about a confusing, painful situation!} Anyway, it is one of my favorite stories because Joseph is thrown into a life he never predicted and learns to trust God in a bigger, more real way than ever before. He needed to have some of his high opinions of himself shaved off and to have his faith tested. He goes on to live a life that is more incredible than he could have even thought possible. A true rags to riches story. The best part? It is blatantly obvious that he could not have accomplished it alone. He needed the Lord to step in.

Often in life things do not seem to make sense. Maybe that is because we can only see part of the puzzle and can't understand how all the pieces fit together yet. Isn't that exciting though? To know that we have a Father who cares so deeply about us that he protects us from the overwhelming knowledge of the future and instead guides each step as we trust in Him?

No matter what, we have someone who loves us unconditionally.

I still do not know exactly what is ahead but I am becoming more trusting and a little less threatened by uncertainty. I am not saying I do not have days where I feel downright confused, I am simply learning that it matters far more who I am serving than what I do. Whether God places a big new adventure in my life or simply says "stay", I can rest in the promise that He is by my side.

We can live a vibrant, full life wherever we are and take each day as a gift and an opportunity to grow. As we grow He peels back our layers and gives us opportunities to be vulnerable and obedient.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with the power of the Holy Spirit." -Romans 15:13

There you have it. As we trust Him we begin to overflow with His Spirit and that makes it all worthwhile.