Explore. Learn. Travel.

Live abundantly. Display love.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Travel, Adventure, and Lasting Impact

I have a passion for the world. I love travel, adventure, cultures, and people. I want to see, taste, and experience the unique beauty of the world.

Recently, I began working at Life.Church in the Church Online department. It has opened my eyes to the global church in a context I hadn't seen before. People coming together simultaneously to worship and grow online. This week, the continent of Asia has been a high priority. I have been learning about various countries, and as a team we have been praying over Asia.

Asia is a beautiful continent full of stunning landscapes, incredible cities, delicious food, millions of people, and varying unique cultures.

This week has gotten me thinking how Asia has a uniquely special place in my heart. In 2011 I went on a trip to Thailand that altered the path of my life. Before Thailand I was in a destructive and confusing place and the people I met, places I saw, and things I experienced sparked a change for the better. Through that journey I was able to begin healing and look to a new, exciting future. That trip to Thailand also ended up changing where I wanted to go to college and thus, the whole trajectory of my life was forever changed.  Working with people to spread the love of Jesus through a country where there is so little light and peace, sparked a new level of passion.

The other, even more meaningful, reason Asia is part of my heart is my sister. My sweet baby sister is from Kazakhstan and she has shaped my life in ways I could never have imagined. On my trip to Kazakhstan to meet her and bring her home, I saw a unique culture full of unique people. It was my first significant overseas experience and it has stuck with me ever since. I remember the realization I had that the world is full of people. It may seem an obvious truth, but for me it was the first time I had seen another place completely different from my own home. It is all too easy to see people as statistics. There are upwards of 7 Billion people on this planet and for me, I learned how to put faces with that logic. My adorable, fun, silly, beautiful sister came from Asia and through adoption became part of my family forever. I will always be grateful for her and I will always hold the culture and people of Kazakhstan, and Asia as a whole, in my heart. It is part of her, and part of me.

If you ever get the chance to visit Asia, I would highly recommend it. There is so much to learn, and see, and experience. I will always advocate for travel and new experiences! However, this can be challenging in many ways. I would like to encourage you to learn more about this amazing place and begin to pray for the people there.

People and places impact us. They leave traces in our hearts and inspire our futures. Sometimes it's more than the big experience of travel and adventure; sometimes it's the small things, the little lessons that impact the way we think or feel, that leave the most lasting impact.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Once upon a time there was a girl who thought she could decide how her life should unfold. She figured that as long as her plans were God-honoring ideas, they must be in God's plan. Then, when everything looked confusing and uncertain, she tried even harder to come up with a "perfect plan". One problem. People can't make perfect plans.... Oh and yes, this girl is me. {and probably many other people too}

Sometimes when I look at my life I wonder why I ever thought it was a good idea to stress about the future. Sure, it is good to stay proactive, find jobs, and live actively but this can also quickly turn into a battle for control. Trust me, if you are fighting a battle for control with the Lord of the universe and Creator of all, it may not be too far fetched to learn you won't win this one. I have been noticing that every time I come to the realization that I cannot (and should not) plan out and predict my whole life, God does something. It is as if He is waiting for me to understand that I need Him desperately before showing me a glimpse of what He has ahead.

I love the story of Joseph in the Bible. He had all these ideas and dreams for his life and then he found himself at the bottom of a cistern and sold into slavery by his brothers. {talk about a confusing, painful situation!} Anyway, it is one of my favorite stories because Joseph is thrown into a life he never predicted and learns to trust God in a bigger, more real way than ever before. He needed to have some of his high opinions of himself shaved off and to have his faith tested. He goes on to live a life that is more incredible than he could have even thought possible. A true rags to riches story. The best part? It is blatantly obvious that he could not have accomplished it alone. He needed the Lord to step in.

Often in life things do not seem to make sense. Maybe that is because we can only see part of the puzzle and can't understand how all the pieces fit together yet. Isn't that exciting though? To know that we have a Father who cares so deeply about us that he protects us from the overwhelming knowledge of the future and instead guides each step as we trust in Him?

No matter what, we have someone who loves us unconditionally.

I still do not know exactly what is ahead but I am becoming more trusting and a little less threatened by uncertainty. I am not saying I do not have days where I feel downright confused, I am simply learning that it matters far more who I am serving than what I do. Whether God places a big new adventure in my life or simply says "stay", I can rest in the promise that He is by my side.

We can live a vibrant, full life wherever we are and take each day as a gift and an opportunity to grow. As we grow He peels back our layers and gives us opportunities to be vulnerable and obedient.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with the power of the Holy Spirit." -Romans 15:13

There you have it. As we trust Him we begin to overflow with His Spirit and that makes it all worthwhile.

Friday, July 18, 2014

what next?

-- Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go." {Isaiah 48:17} --

After an experience like interning in Africa, coming home can seem like a step backward. While I love seeing people who are close to me, I can't help but ask, what was it all for? Was it just an experience that I can look back on with fond memories of friendships, struggles, and growth? I have so many emotions raging through my mind and heart that sometimes I don't know how to keep them straight. (Okay I know I've only been home for three days... I mean, I still have jet lag)  Even so, I feel that I have gained such a global perspective. Not knowing my next step is daunting but if I learned anything through this journey it is that God works in ways I do not understand. I thought I knew this truth before -- but now I feel like I have lived with this reality displayed every day. 

My direction, my goals, my passions seem to have been reignited and redirected. I think sometimes when we are removed from what is familiar and comfortable, we become more in tune to the Lord and His voice. Taking a step back from the busyness of life and experiencing something altogether new was exactly what I needed. It is crazy how the little things that make up life can cause us to miss so much. There is such a difference between living life and living a full life. 

No matter how confusing life is, God holds it in His hand. 

I do not know where I have been called next, or where I will be in two years. What I do know, is that God has a plan designed to stretch, mold, and teach me. 

There are hurting people everywhere. In Africa, in South America, in my neighborhood, everywhere. I may not know exactly where my life is headed but I do know that I, like everyone who follows Christ, am called to make Him known. What does that look like? I am still discovering. 

-- For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” {Romans 10:13-15}  --

Life is an unpredictable mystery but that is what keeps it exciting. It also keeps us needing to continually trust the Lord for each step. He is there through every moment of the journey. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

mishaps and moments. {making life beautiful}

What have I learned after spending a month in Nairobi?

Well, I would say patience and living each moment among other things. Here in Kenya things run differently. Never can you know what will happen that day and you must always be ready for dramatic plan changes at any given moment. At first, this culture of seemingly unknown chaos was overwhelming. Yet as time goes by I realize more and more that looking past minute frustrations, there is a way of life that is teaching me a lasting lesson.

New adventures. Exciting journeys. I realize that I focus on the future and on my plans all too much. What about each moment? What about the small happenings of every day life? I think many people feel how I did. Always looking for a new adventure and not realizing that at some point that adventure becomes you present, daily life. When the newness wears off and life sets in, what do we do? I looked for something different. Something more thrilling.

This is not how I am called to live my life.

Let me elaborate on how patience is a necessity and how I am learning.

This past Saturday all the inters took a day trip to Naivasha to visit Crescent Island for a walking safari. By 9am we were on our way. We visited a lookout viewpoint, took pictures, laughed and enjoyed the gorgeous view. After piling back into the bus, we hit a larger than usual bump (which you'd realize is quite an accomplishment if you've ever driven on Kenyan roads). Soon after we smelled the odor of gasoline -- we made it to a gas station all the while leaking fuel down the mountain. While we waited for the bus to be fixed we went to lunch thinking surely it would be done by our return. No, the part needed to fix our only means of transportation was nowhere to be found. Well, like any group of friends out on an ill fated adventure, we played games, laughed and fellowshipped to pass the time.

Later on, we realized our bus was going nowhere. So, we were able to hire a matatu (public transport van) to take us where we wanted to go. Many turn arounds and a confused driver later, we made it. Now, we were supposed to have most of the day to spend on the island so we could explore and take our time discovering animals and experiencing the area. Well, due to our mishap we ended up with a little less than two hours to spend. Even in this short time, we saw giraffes, zebras, antelope, buffalo, gazelles, monkeys, waterbucks, and various incredible African animals. It was an amazing demonstration of the creativity of God. Absolutely breathtaking to experience.

Despite the fact that we were pressed for time and the day did not go according to plan, I found myself exceedingly thankful. I truly enjoyed the day and I will cherish the memories forever. There were many times  when I could have been frustrated and many moments that could have ruined the day. A few weeks ago, that may very well have been the outcome. Now, because I have been living in a place where the unpredictable is every day life, I can see more clearly the value of treasuring moments like these.

I tell this story because for me, it shows how I am learning to take life as it comes. To enjoy each day and find the beauty and fun in every mishap, every plan change, every unpredictable, astonishing moment.

Life is unpredictable and when we wish away the struggles, the annoyances, the mundane, we miss the chance to learn contentment. See, I always assumed that contentment came when we were accepting of how things played out in life. While this is true, it is so much more. The very definition is "a state of happiness and satisfaction". Contentment is a choice. If I am only content when things go right or when I am experiencing a new adventure, it is only a hollow word. True contentment requires a daily decision to embrace and love where you are.

Living in Africa this summer is one of my dreams. I guess you could say it was on my bucket list. Yet this does not mean I have been content. I was confused as to why I was wishing for something new when I was experiencing a life long goal. Then I realized contentment is not linked to the happiness of achievement but the happiness given by the Lord as we accept where we are and see the depth of His love wherever that may be.

Eventually, the newness of any situation wears off and the adventure becomes the every day. I am learning to embrace the trips to work, attending church, having dinner and all the things I do regularly. My time in Kenya has taught me that life is made of small moments and big ones but if we jump ahead, we just might miss the things that give life to our lives. I love Africa and most of all I love that while here, God is teaching me ever more about Himself and the wonderful world he has created.

Monday, June 16, 2014

True Growth

What does it mean to grow spiritually? It is commonplace for Christians to pray for growth and increased faith. While this sounds like an incredible request, I have been questioning whether growth is what we truly want. Do we ask for growth because it seems like a good thing, or do we honestly hunger for deep, meaningful, challenging growth?

Growth comes through challenges that stretch us beyond where we are comfortable. When I left for Kenya I prayed that the Lord would use this time for me to impact those I am serving and to grow my spiritual life. Growth is a dangerous thing to pray for because the Lord allows challenges that test whether or not we are sincerely seeking Him. In Kenya I have experienced insecurities and frustrations on a small scale that made me question the sincerity of my prayer. Am I willing to accept the terms of God's plan and trust that the challenges are part of it? We are not promised easy lives. In fact if we are growing, it is more likely that we face certain challenges. "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds." [James 1:2] When I feel nervous or out of place instead of wishing those moments away I should be using them as opportunities to trust God with every moment. Growth comes through time and the Lord is constantly giving us chances to grow. "He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." [Philippians 1:6] The process of growth does not have an ending; if we are willing it will continue.

After my first week in Kenya I have loved experiencing a different culture full of beautiful, passionate believers. I am learning to embrace the challenges and honestly pursue true growth as I seek to follow in the footsteps of the Lord.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Truly Live

What does it mean to truly live? Does it mean living day to day or stopping to breathe in the glories of the world around us? There is so much that we look over and pass by without truly seeing. 

He loves us....

What an incredible night. Getting settled back into the school routine and remembering why I'm here. To glorify God and worship Him! A degree and a future job is a wonderful goal but what does it mean without Christ as the center? We were created to worship Him and make Him known to the world. We were created to love and to be loved by Him.

How many lies is the world feeding us today? The world tells us what beauty is, what courage is, what success is, what peace, and hope, and hatred and love are. In a society almost solely focused on image, it can be nearly impossible to hold on to the promises of God and find worth and peace only in Jesus Himself.