Explore. Learn. Travel.

Live abundantly. Display love.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Truly Live

What does it mean to truly live? Does it mean living day to day or stopping to breathe in the glories of the world around us? There is so much that we look over and pass by without truly seeing. 

He loves us....

What an incredible night. Getting settled back into the school routine and remembering why I'm here. To glorify God and worship Him! A degree and a future job is a wonderful goal but what does it mean without Christ as the center? We were created to worship Him and make Him known to the world. We were created to love and to be loved by Him.

How many lies is the world feeding us today? The world tells us what beauty is, what courage is, what success is, what peace, and hope, and hatred and love are. In a society almost solely focused on image, it can be nearly impossible to hold on to the promises of God and find worth and peace only in Jesus Himself.

Monday, January 2, 2012

{creative One}

I love art... I love to see the skill and creativity of a painter, the blending of individual colors into something exquisitely beautiful. Photography: the art of capturing a moment in time and preserving it forever in a frozen fusion of luminescence, nature and creativity. Or music. What could be more expressive than portraying thoughts through melodies. The rise and fall of emotion entrapped within the notes and keys. What about dance? the expression of feeling and emotion. Interpretation of art through movement and creative release. All of these art forms tell stories and capture the creative capacity of people-- of artists.

Exploring reasons why I love art has caused me to evaluate why it exists in the first place. Is it just a pastime invented by individuals as entertainment and expression or does it ultimately reflect our Creator?

Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.  ~AndrĂ© Gide

Well, isn't God truly the greatest artist? Did He not design the mountains and waters that artists seek to capture in their work and the sounds of wind and nature reminiscent in music? Didn't He give us the light and shadows utilized by photographers and the bodies gracefully trained by dancers? I've been asked why I  love art and why I think it is necessary. Well, I say it is essential to experiencing the beauty, majesty and creativity of our Lord. He created beauty and when we express and create, I like to think that it gives us a glimpse into His heart. God gave us color and light and nature and he also not only gave us intelligence, He gave us creative thought and the ability to create and express.

Let me ask you something, what is not art?  ~Author Unknown

No matter if you are an art lover, or have a casual interest, or if it is not something that sparks your passion, we serve a creative, expressive, artistic God. Just look at the stars on a clear night, the brilliance of a sunset, the majesty of the mountains or the power of the rolling sea... His fingerprints are in His work and His signature on His art. All we have to do is take a moment and see.

Art is Man's nature.  Nature is god's art.  ~James Bailey

As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.  ~John Lubbock


“Dancing with the feet is one thing,
but dancing with the heart is another.”

- Author Unknown

“To dance is to reach for a word that doesn’t exist,
To sing the heartsong of a thousand generations,
To feel the meaning of a moment in time.”

- Beth Jones

"It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer."

- Shanna LaFleur