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Monday, June 16, 2014

True Growth

What does it mean to grow spiritually? It is commonplace for Christians to pray for growth and increased faith. While this sounds like an incredible request, I have been questioning whether growth is what we truly want. Do we ask for growth because it seems like a good thing, or do we honestly hunger for deep, meaningful, challenging growth?

Growth comes through challenges that stretch us beyond where we are comfortable. When I left for Kenya I prayed that the Lord would use this time for me to impact those I am serving and to grow my spiritual life. Growth is a dangerous thing to pray for because the Lord allows challenges that test whether or not we are sincerely seeking Him. In Kenya I have experienced insecurities and frustrations on a small scale that made me question the sincerity of my prayer. Am I willing to accept the terms of God's plan and trust that the challenges are part of it? We are not promised easy lives. In fact if we are growing, it is more likely that we face certain challenges. "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds." [James 1:2] When I feel nervous or out of place instead of wishing those moments away I should be using them as opportunities to trust God with every moment. Growth comes through time and the Lord is constantly giving us chances to grow. "He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." [Philippians 1:6] The process of growth does not have an ending; if we are willing it will continue.

After my first week in Kenya I have loved experiencing a different culture full of beautiful, passionate believers. I am learning to embrace the challenges and honestly pursue true growth as I seek to follow in the footsteps of the Lord.

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